Mundane Supernatural: Revealing My Hidden Secret Freed Me

Living Supernatural - Ghost Ladies

Growing Up Weird and Wired

I have been living with the supernatural in a mundane world since I can remember. As a kid, I often had precognitive dreams and a never-ending sense of déjà vu. I could never explain to my family or friends that something that had happened or was going to happen had already happened in my head. And ladies and gents, this was WAY before The Matrix ever came out. That movie is for another post.

I often heard things happening in the house I grew up in that nobody else would hear. I would go into places and feel the need to leave or listen. Growing up in my family, it was “weird” to say you felt something out of the ordinary. So, I often just left it and didn’t tell many people about my experiences. That’s really when I began writing, to get these “stories” out of my head.

I started working in the theater both on-stage and off at the ripe old age of 10. As a gullible kid, I started to hear the ghost stories of the local theatre ghost and ate every one of those stories up. I started doing research into ghosts at that theater and discovered so many things about my small town’s history! I also found out that the noises I heard in my house may not have all been “in my head”. However, during that whole time, I was still keeping the truth about my experiences to myself except through my stories.

Hiding My Authentic Self

Living Supernatural - Theatres I've Known

I grew up in my small town until I was about twelve and then moved to the “big city” when I was in middle school. Going to a new school and making new friends that weren’t family was difficult, especially since I soon started having experiences around my new friends. I had one girl who had been close tell me I was a freak because I believed in ghosts, spirits, and other things supernatural. She never spoke to me after she found out about my mystic secret. And I was thirteen!

I spent the next six years of my life hiding my “real world” stories. Most of my time was spent writing, trying to come to grips with the ability I had. I still continued to work in the theater all through high school. In every single venue I worked at, I would often experience the entities that hung around and would sometimes try to connect more with them. But I never let anyone know that I could hear and feel those from the beyond.

When I had the chance to live in Chicago for a year on an internship, I learned that what I experienced was just a drop in the bucket of the experiences to come. I learned from the people I worked with that there were a lot more people out there like me living a supernatural life, and way more talented than me. But I also discovered a new community where I started feeling less like the odd one out and more like someone who belonged. It also gave me the opportunity to start learning about my abilities and hone my skills. But after I left Chicago, I had to go back to the straight-laced world of the mundane.

Living as a Mundane Supernatural: My Kid and Me

It wasn’t until I was in my mid-twenties that I had the opportunity to go to Sacramento, California to work as a Production Manager for a local Shakespearean company. While the experiences I had getting there and being there are completely for another post, the best thing that came out of my being in Sacramento was having my daughter.

Even at a very young age, I could see she was special. By the time she was 2, she had already presented signs of clairvoyance, mediumship, connectivity or what have you. She would often “talk” to the corners of the rooms or the dog. I know it sounds silly, but I watched her several times and it wasn’t a baby babbling. She would “say” something and then wait as if for a response and then “say” something again. She was having full-on conversations with people in the room I couldn’t see!

When I split with her father, we went to stay with a friend until I could get re-established. In the time I lived with my friend, she introduced me to the “witchy” community, where I again began living in the supernatural world. They helped me see that my capabilities could be honed and crafted so that I could control how I reacted to my encounters with the mystical world. They also taught me to be more observant of the talents my daughter exhibited.

Finding Common Ground

At the age of nine, my daughter was not scared of her talent, but she would not discuss what she saw, heard, or felt when she experienced her moments with the supernatural. It was not until many years later that we were able to connect and discuss our psychic talents. She was having difficulty with her emotions and seemed to lash out at everything.

Now, as a pre-teen, I originally thought her reactions were just hormonal and she would find a balance. But then she started drawing the most frightening creature almost daily. When I asked her about it, she told me that he sat on her shoulder and told her mean things. Of course, any other parent would have taken that child to a psychiatrist, but when she continued to draw this creature, I took the drawing to my “witchy” community for advice. Their response was to help me to prepare a ritual so I could expel the creature. With the kid’s assistance and that of my community, we were able to dispel the organism that had been taunting her. Within 24 hours, she was back to her normal pre-teeny attitude with her original joy for life and excitement for the world around her.

And the Beat Goes On…

Since the day we removed the entity that was tormenting my daughter, she has been living a supernatural path that far exceeds my abilities. I have watched her grow into a very powerful medium and channeler. We do not experience mystical things often together, but when we do, it is intense. We have “ghost hunted” at Arlington House also known as The Robert E. Lee Memorial in Arlington Cemetery.

Living Supernatural - Arlington House

We have sought out the souls on Herring Point at Fort Miles at Cape Henlopen State Park in Delaware.

As I have embraced the supernatural world that surrounds me, I have been freed from the feeling that I am a freak. Now, I embrace the weird and wacky things that happen around me. I no longer hide what I hear or feel, but proclaim to those who ask, what has happened. I still feel like I am a mundane supernatural in that I still am firmly planted on the ground, but now, I don’t feel like my thoughts and emotions being on another plane of existence is anything but who I am and who I want to be.

If you feel the way I do or have experienced similar things as I have, let me know in the comments below or email me at [email protected]!

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